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Bill Baker plinking out a song idea on his '65 Gibson Hummingbird in the workshop
Gibson Hummingbird Vintage
Gibson Hummingbird 3
Gibson Hummingbird Vintage gear demo
Bill Baker RAINBOW BRIDGE band reunion jam 30 years later where it all started for the last time
BLUE CHEER Dickie Peterson commentary talking about his custom basses Bill Baker builder
Ace Frehley and Bill Baker discuss giving Bill the STAR earring early 90's
Making plugs for bridge plate repair on Gibson Hummingbird
Bill Baker and Ace's Veleno guitar #5 in HD one last weekend together April 2017
Demo of hummingbird 1962
1967 Gibson Acoustic Tuned Down - Just some blues.
Acoustic Guitar String shopping and gauges MEDIUM is not MEDIUM by tech Bill Baker